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Real Marketing For Organic Growth PT 8

Life Happens 

During our “Real Marketing For Organic Growth” blog series, we have discussed different topics from hashtags to being on different platforms. However, for all of our good intentions, for all of our planning and preparing, Life Happens. Some of life’s changes can be for the better, some though are hard and the world as you know it has changed. Working through this phase in life can prove to be a bigger challenge than what you expected and you find yourself falling short. When this happens, you can either let it beat you down or get back up and try again.

Today’s topic is about realizing that Life Happens.

We are human, we can and will make mistakes. We are going to have moments that prove difficult to bounce back from. We have to accept that we make mistakes. We are not perfect. Recently, I had a llife-changing event and it has rocked me to my core. I made the mistake that I could attempt to bounce back. I made the error thinking that even though I was hurting my brain still worked the same. It didn’t, it doesn’t, they say “Time heals” for a reason. We need time to process, to realign our lives, to simply be nothing more than who we are in that moment.

So as you are going about your marketing efforts and you find that “Life” has other plans, accept that “Life Happens”. If it is something hard, find solace in the people and things that bring you comfort. Give yourself a moment to breath and the time to process what has happened. Do your best to get through it. However, in the end if you make a mistake, learn from it, move on from it, and get up and try again.

I apologize for not getting a blog out sooner, life happened and I am taking my own advice.

#PMInc #Life #RealMarketing #OrganicGrowth

Popular #Hashtags on Marketing

#marketing #growthhacking #startup #success #digitalmarketing #networkmarketing #onlinemarketing #contentmarketing #socialmediamarketingtips #marketingagency #socialmarketing #growthhacking #startup #seo #tech #entrepreneur #socialmedia #business #twitter #instagram #work #startups #success #tips #smm #world #motivation #web #content