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Real Marketing For Organic Growth PT 6

We have been discussing how Real Marketing affects Organic Growth, so now it is time to cover Branding. Are each of your profiles easily recognizable? When you visit your networks do you ever check to see what it looks like to the viewers? You should. It will give you a very real look at what they are seeing. Granted most of the people that come to you have an idea of where they are heading but not always and not if you are striving for Organic Growth.

Images, Content, and URLs

Look at the header image, does it represent you and your branding? Can the viewers immediately tell where they are and what you offer? What about your profile picture or logo? Is it continuous from other networks or a random image? Does the image have your company logo? Yes, everyone has a logo or they should have, no matter what service or product you offer. What about the content you are putting on the networks? Do they easily navigate users back to your own home on the web or are those that click the post getting taken somewhere they will get lost in the masses? What about your URLs are they pretty SEO friendly or do they look like a jumbled mess?

Your Home

Your website is your primary home on the web, it should have all of the different places you are found online listed. It should have primary images that are being used on the various networks. It should give the same subconscious message that you see with other websites (Coffee Time Romance, PM Inc). Often times when someone shops for a particular product they look at not just the item but who makes the item. These are products that the companies have taken the time and effort to brand them.

SSM, SEO, and Branding

As Personalized Marketing Inc celebrates another year, we look at the branding we have done so far. We look at the images we have out there and what it says about us. No matter what account you go to we have the same images and same color designs on each of them. Why? Because we want the viewers to know subconsciously where they are without having to guess and what to expect from us. Sure we put out new updated looks on our website but we still stick with the same color scheme, header, and logo. Why? Because we want a universal branding and we have taken the time to do Search Engine Optimization on the items we put out. Even the original banner for PM Inc can be found on a Google Search, we did not delete it, we simply upgraded the look of it.


As you look at your branding, think about the images you are using, the fonts you have chosen and the color scheme you have. If any of them do not convey with a look who you are, the message you want to send and the emotional effect you want them to have. It might be time for a change. If you do change your look, make sure that you do it gradually. Do not cause subconscious confusion and make your fans think you are no longer available.


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