Have you ever wondered if authors are superstitious about reading other books while they work on their writing projects? More than fifty authors have weighed in on this question, among a few other inquiries we wondered about, such as...
Does writing energize or exhaust you?
How do you cure a case of writer’s block?
Do you want your book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?
We've addressed these questions, and many more. It's always fascinating to get this kind of perspective from published writers! Please join us on June 14th on Writing in the Modern Age, as we celebrate our 500th Anniversary post. You'll get a true glimpse on how the creative process works!
Guest Blogger Bio
In 2013, Writing in the Modern Age was hatched from the idea that writers of all backgrounds and stages of their careers needed a safe haven of sorts, a place to come for advice and encouragement during their journeys. Now it has become so much more, embracing book lovers of any genre. Writing in the Modern Age is not only helpful for writers, but also readers who are searching for their favorite new author. Our interviews are ever popular, whether in the form of character perspectives, service interviews about a company that can help authors/readers, or through an author interview. Additionally, we offer guest articles on writing, editing, and publishing; new release, book, or blog tour features, as well as cover reveals; poetry spotlights; Author's Bookshelf Features (you get to see what authors read); and, of course, we host occasional massive book giveaways. On Writing in the Modern Age, we cover every book genre in the industry, so no writer or reader is left out.
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