Get Ready For Spring Cleaning

No, I am not talking about airing out your house or dusting every surface, well of your physical home anyway. What I am referring to is the pesky content from our online presences that we were sure we had changed out months ago, but apparently didn’t.
As you go into Spring this year, think of the changes from last year. I am sure you have a new book or product available, you survived another winter, (well will anyways at some point this year) and you have changed in other ways over the past 12 months. This means that the marketing you put out last year has changed as well. When cleaning out those old photos you used in your marketing for Spring 2023, refurbish them and use them in Spring 2024, you could even go back a few years and do a timeline exposure.
By reusing those old posts, you can not only save some time but also see how much growth you have had over the past year or so. Perhaps you might even realize that you did more than you thought you did. I don’t know about everyone else, but I love fresh flowers, the windows open and spending time with the sun shining down on me. That happy, peaceful, ready for a new day feeling often carries me through and revitalizes me. Well, that is until my allergies kick in and then I bring what I love about outside in a safe non ‘ughs’ way… You can do the same with your Spring Marketing this year.
CapCut, Canva, Adobe Express, FlexClip and more all have great tools to help you display your older content with your new stuff. So, take some time, bring a flower or two near where you work, light that favorite candle, open the curtains and rejuvenate your marketing this spring.
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Videos Made By #PMInc Using The Programs Mentioned In The Post
Made with FlexClip
Made with CapCut
Made with Canva
Made with Adobe Express